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No Quicksilver lining to this Mercury Retrograde

Astro Update November 1st : How's everyone doing? It's a tough Mercury Retrograde this one, especially for those of you with planets in late cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). There's no quicksilver lining on this mental cloud. Conversely, there may be a sense of having your head down, and it's heavy with thought. It's important not to dwell on the rabbit hole, but to observe it and give it the acknowledgement of a nod. Then go do something else. It is time for contemplation without obsession. It's not time for decisions. So mix up the mental with the physical to keep things from becoming stuck. In particular, do Capricornian things; build something, tidy something, organise and de-clutter, explore opportunities and check out systems and systematic approaches. Resist thinking too small. The problems won't be solved yet and you may underestimate what is possible. Try to stretch your mind enough to realise you may have constructed a corner. Where do you go from there? Is that where you want to be? Make a turn, pivot, prepare, test something out. Conflicts and challenges, or being the challenger or the one confronted, should be approached with flexibility and a clear intent to listen, examine, and try. Agreement is a tall order right now, but as always with Saturn, gives things more time and exercise patience. All things come to those who wait. "Wait how long?" you may ask with frustration. Not that long, relatively speaking : ) Stay tuned for where Mercury heads next once out of retrograde on 4th November.

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